In addition to our superior academic standards, St. Margaret’s school strives to develop our students’ spiritual well-being by reinforcing Catholic values and identity.
Specific examples of our students’ religious development are as follows:
- Religion Class is taught daily, to all grades including Pre-Kindergarten.
- All students in grades K-8 attend mass, as a school, at Saint Margaret’s Church on our campus for the First Friday of each month.
- Prayer services are held during certain Saint’s Feast Days (e.g., St. Margaret Mary, St Francis of Assisi, St Nicholas, etc.).
- Students attend Stations of the Cross during Lent, which culminates with the Living Stations presented the Wednesday before Easter.
- Students participate in community and global service projects throughout the school year.
- Each morning, prayers are said as an entire school, led by our Saints Studio AV team, along with the Pledge of Allegiance. Class prayers are also recited before and after lunch, and before dismissal.
- Students are strongly encouraged to meet their Sunday obligation by attending Mass with their family.