Important Dates
Uniform Exchange – November 20th 5-7pm in the gym
Please consider a gift to SMRS. Gifts of all sizes help ensure that our rigorous academic programs and deep spiritual identity continues to thrive for future generations of “SAINTS”.
SMRS Annual Fund Donations can be made during our NCEA iGiveCatholic campaign.
iGiveCatholic – Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024
Important Dates
25~ Thanksgiving Feast
27~ 12pm Dismissal For All Students
28-29~ No School~ Happy Thanksgiving!
11~ Polar Express Day- more info to follow
16~ Christmas Party
18~ Christmas Play~ 10am (more info to follow)
20~ 12pm Dismissal For All Students
23-Jan 2~ Christmas Break
Our Community
Letters: Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii
Math: Simple Maps, Compare Distance, Create/Extends Patterns, Matching Numerals to Quantity
Science/S.S: Community Places, Community Workers, Transportation and People, Community Responsibility
Morning prayer:
Dear Jesus,
I am small in size but very precious in your eyes.
Please help me in this day to see all the gifts you give to me.
As I go through my busy day, I offer you my work and play.
Please bless all I say and do, and these will be my gifts to you.
My Big World: Home Access
In our classroom we use the My Big World with Clifford magazine to help build knowledge and vocabulary. Now you can visit the My Big World website at home. You and your child can review and participate in the lessons we do in school.
To access My Big World:
Login to
Our classroom password is : smspreschool
Contact Information
You can reach me by telephone at school, during school hours. Any other time, I am available by email. I am typically prompt with email responses, however, I will guarantee a response within 24 hours, with weekends and school holidays being the exception. If there is an urgent message please call the school, or send me a text using Remind (see below). As always, you can also send a note in your child’s folder as well.
school phone: (856)845-5200
text: see next section to sign up for Remind
Sign Up for Text Alerts via Remind
I would like to use this app for updates throughout the school year. I only send out information that is urgent, or time sensitive. You are also able to reply to me using the app, or send a quick message. (For example, if you are running late for drop-off or pick-up. Information was sent home in your child’s folder.
Below are the class codes to sign up for Remind.
Preschool 4- @2e33kg
General Policies
What to bring?
- Your child only needs to bring a backpack, their folder (we will provide) and a change of clothes each day. I do not suggest they bring toys from home in case they get lost, but if they insist, it must be able to fit in the backpack.
- Please pack a snack and a drink. Please have it in a separate bag from their lunch
- Full day students should bring a lunch, and they may bring a blanket and stuffed animal or lovey to snuggle with at rest time(also must fit in the backpack).
What to wear?
- Comfortable clothes that your child can operate on their own in the bathroom. No belts, please! We like play outside each day, weather permitting.
Drop-Off and Pick Up
- Drop-Off begins at 8:15am. A teacher or aide from one of the classrooms will meet you at the door. If no one is there, please ring the doorbell. SMRS students are NEVER PERMITTED to open any doors for anyone, including faculty. This is for their safety, and the safety of all students in the school.
- Our day ends at 11:45am (half day) 3:00pm (full day). Your children will be brought to the doors and dismissed individually to their adult.
- You must park and walk up to the doors for drop-off and pick up. There is no car line.
- If you have children in older grades, they may be dismissed by the preschool doors. Please send a note to their teacher, and myself so we know to expect them.
- We love to celebrate birthdays at school! For birthday celebrations, you may send in a special snack for your child to share with the class. Please just let us know in advance.
If your child has an allergy…
- We are a Peanut/Tree Nut Free Classroom
- Please make me aware immediately of any allergies your child may have, including environmental and insects.
- Epi-pens and inhalers are kept in the classroom, but must be registered with the school nurse. Please send them in a ziploc bag with your child’s name and the prescription label
Mouseketeer of the Week
(aka Star Student)
Beginning in October, we will start having a “Mouseketeer of the Week”. Each child will have a turn to share with the class. They will decorate a poster all about them, and they will bring in a favorite book and a special item. When it is your child’s turn, they will receive a letter with directions, and the poster in their folder. We generally go in ABC order, so don’t panic if you don’t see your letter right away!
Attention Volunteers
Anyone who will be volunteering at our school must be fingerprinted and have attended Virtus Child Safety training. Please keep in mind that the trainings are only offered on select dates each month and may fill up. If you have any questions about child safety training, please let me know.
Preschool Awards
Our whole school participates in a program known as “Fruits of the Spirit.” A different Christian attribute is chosen each month and children from each grade level are nominated by their teachers for exemplifying those qualities. In preschool we call this recognition, a “Pat on the Back.” Each month we choose 2 preschoolers from our class to receive a Pat on the Back! Dr. Sole, our school counselor, will come into our classroom, explain each virtue with the help of the children, and then present our awards to our recipients. The children soon know the reason for Dr. Sole’s visits, love to be recognized, and learn a little bit about those virtues and what it means to emulate them.
These Christian attributes are: Goodness, Peace, Kindness, Joy, Patience, Love, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control.
September- Goodness
October- Peaceful
November- Kindness
December- Joy
January- Patience
February- Love
March- Gentleness
April- Faithfulness
May- Self Control